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vsftpd [2013/09/20 13:50]
wombat створено
vsftpd [2015/12/17 14:02] (поточний)
wombat Clean Formatting
Рядок 1: Рядок 1:
-# db_load -T -t hash -f virtual-users.txt /​etc/​vsftpd/​virtual-users.db+  ​# db_load -T -t hash -f virtual-users.txt /​etc/​vsftpd/​virtual-users.db
 2. Virtual users and authentication 2. Virtual users and authentication
Рядок 6: Рядок 6:
 We are going to use pam_userdb to authenticate the virtual users. This needs a username / password file in `db’ format – a common database format. We need `db_load’ program. For CentOS, Fedora, you may install the package `db4-utils’:​ We are going to use pam_userdb to authenticate the virtual users. This needs a username / password file in `db’ format – a common database format. We need `db_load’ program. For CentOS, Fedora, you may install the package `db4-utils’:​
-# yum install db4-utils+  ​# yum install db4-utils
 For Ubuntu, For Ubuntu,
-# apt-get install db4.2-util+  ​# apt-get install db4.2-util
 To create a `db’ format file, first create a plain text file `virtual-users.txt’ with the usernames and passwords on alternating lines: To create a `db’ format file, first create a plain text file `virtual-users.txt’ with the usernames and passwords on alternating lines:
-mary +  ​mary 
-123456 +  123456 
-jack +  jack 
-654321+  654321
 Then execute the following command to create the actual database: Then execute the following command to create the actual database:
-# db_load -T -t hash -f virtual-users.txt /​etc/​vsftpd/​virtual-users.db+  ​# db_load -T -t hash -f virtual-users.txt /​etc/​vsftpd/​virtual-users.db
 Now, create a PAM file /​etc/​pam.d/​vsftpd-virtual which uses your database: Now, create a PAM file /​etc/​pam.d/​vsftpd-virtual which uses your database:
-auth required pam_userdb.so db=/​etc/​vsftpd/​virtual-users +  ​auth required pam_userdb.so db=/​etc/​vsftpd/​virtual-users 
-account required pam_userdb.so db=/​etc/​vsftpd/​virtual-users+  account required pam_userdb.so db=/​etc/​vsftpd/​virtual-users
 3. Configuration of VSFTPD 3. Configuration of VSFTPD
Рядок 32: Рядок 32:
 Create a configuration file /​etc/​vsftpd/​vsftpd-virtual.conf,​ Create a configuration file /​etc/​vsftpd/​vsftpd-virtual.conf,​
 +<file "​conf"​ "/​etc/​vsftpd/​vsftpd-virtual.conf">​
 # disables anonymous FTP # disables anonymous FTP
 anonymous_enable=NO anonymous_enable=NO
Рядок 64: Рядок 65:
 # the umask for file creation # the umask for file creation
 local_umask=022 local_umask=022
 4. Creation of home directories 4. Creation of home directories
Рядок 69: Рядок 71:
 Create each user’s home directory in /​var/​www/​virtual,​ and change the owner of the directory to the user `ftp’: Create each user’s home directory in /​var/​www/​virtual,​ and change the owner of the directory to the user `ftp’:
-# mkdir /​var/​www/​virtual/​mary +  ​# mkdir /​var/​www/​virtual/​mary 
-# chown ftp:ftp /​var/​www/​virtual/​mary+  # chown ftp:ftp /​var/​www/​virtual/​mary
 5. Startup of VSFTPD and test 5. Startup of VSFTPD and test
 Now we can start VSFTPD by the command: Now we can start VSFTPD by the command:
-# /​usr/​sbin/​vsftpd /​etc/​vsftpd/​vsftpd-virtual.conf+  ​# /​usr/​sbin/​vsftpd /​etc/​vsftpd/​vsftpd-virtual.conf
 and test the FTP access of a virtual user: and test the FTP access of a virtual user:
-# lftp -u mary -p 60021  ​# lftp -u mary -p 60021
 [[https://​security.appspot.com/​vsftpd.html | Home page]] [[https://​security.appspot.com/​vsftpd.html | Home page]]
vsftpd.1379674235.txt.bz2 · В останнє змінено: 2015/12/17 14:02 (зовнішнє редагування)